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Monday, October 17, 2011

~ Finally, I'm graduated!!! =) ~

                 我终于毕业了! !! 三年的时间, 说短不短。。。长也不长, 但我都经过了很多很多, 也学习了很多。这三年里,过的不简单但是很精彩! 很多时候, 当我在想要放下我的脚步时和说 “我不要走了, 我真的很累了!”,深究是那么的了解我。 。 。 以及没有放弃过我,还给与我时间来到去想。 每次, 神都会安慰还有让我找回我的信心。 感谢神!     

 ~ 我的毕业典礼在 Wisma MCA 礼堂, Kuala Lumpur ~

 ~  谢谢你们!对我而言, 你们是我最珍惜的一个”兄弟姐妹“ 以及”好朋友“了!
很高兴可以认识到你们 ~

~Auyong 和我! 虽然, 我不是那么的了解你, 但我真的被你 ”真实“ 的一面而感觉到你的真心在于对待朋友, 你却抱着 “感恩” 以及 “珍惜” 的心来到交朋友! 谢谢你,也让我们有这个机会正为你的生命的一部分! =)

~ Ian 弟弟, 哈哈! 当开始认识你的时候, 却觉得你是个 "小孩子“ 一样 - 简单,开朗, 温暖 还有时常都充满着”笑容!你的简单, 让我觉得到很轻松, 无忧无虑的! 可能这叫 ”平凡种的平凡吧“ 。 。 。  谢谢你带来的欢乐以及宝贵的友情!

~ 不能扫得就是 “金宝希望教会” 的弟兄姐妹们, 谢谢你们一路来的支持以及鼓励! 很干的说 “没有你们,我没可能可以支撑到现在这个时候”。 你们让我知道 ”我不再是一个人的度过, 有神的家庭陪伴。=) 

~我的大学朋友们, 谢谢们! 很开心和你们一起的念书, 一起的毕业! ~ 

~美金姐还有金芳妹! 哈哈哈 。 。 。 ~

~ 我的家人 (婆婆和哥哥), 谢谢们的到来! 我很感动! =) ~ 

~ 我的好兄弟以及 "小样“。。。哈哈! 感谢神, 我们都毕业了! 莫莫。。你要加油哦!我相信神会带领我们一起的成长。 

~兄弟。。。ShunShih & Calvin! 时间过得真快, 一瞬间, 我们有毕业了! 虽然, 现在你都在新加波做工了, 但我都不会忘记我们的 ”兄弟“ 情! 加油!!! 

~ 没想到。 。 。 我们都带 ”四方帽“ 了! !! ~ 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

~ A Journey Yet To No Where, Holding Onto "Him" - Tired but Having Faith

It's been a long time where I've not update my status here, kinda busy all the while! My life is just seems to be full of different agenda where many datelines needed to be met. Everyday when I woke up, the first thing that I need to be clear off was "Today, what are the things/tasks that I needed to do? What are the things that I needed to settle? What are the  responsibilities that are ahead off me that I needed to carry? What are the solutions that I needed to think off for every of the different things and tasks?" 

Would this so called "MY LIFE"? 
Are you the same as me? 
Would this be your life as well? 

Sometimes, I myself indeed confused and struggled over these questions that comes to me naturally everyday, not knowing whether these are the so called "good" or "bad". At a moment of time, I would take it as "I'm a very busy man", so this is a normal situation and should be common for me, but somehow there are times, I would feel differently where it's not like the way I thought off "Busy", but  "Empty" & "Insecure". Both feelings seems to be normal to everyone where "empty" and insecure" would be feelings that many people encounter throughout their life. Yet, this was what builds up my mind set where "It's OK!" to be in this situation, a situation where BUSY is everything, having "NO BUSY" is nothing. I'm dangerous here!!! Workaholic guy =P

And these feelings comes and goes, on and off  it gives me different kind of affirmation, perception and also expression of emotions. Especially at this critical moment where I'm in the transition period from student group into working adult society. I would not know it is a good or bad but indeed I need to face the fact that I've graduated and I'm no longer a student, I need to find a job, a job that is permanent, a job that may sustain my life where I've sufficient to survive on, a job that may lead to have effectiveness in serving Him, a job that is secure, a job that is under my ability (able to cope and run in a long term period) and so on. It's not EASY yet   needed a long period of time and efforts to plan and manage in all different areas of life. 

Have you ever think off "What's your dream? and Why you have this dream of yours? ", I've a dream. A dream which is "simple", "realistic" and also "influence", although it seems to be easy when saying but you'll know it is not the easy way as you thought off when it comes in doing especially for me now. Although I've an impactful dream that may impact lives and also brings the influence to people of different perceptions, culture and backgrounds, yet that's not enough. Achieving a dream is far beyond our imagination, it is not what we can only think off but what we can do more in a greater way. This is what we called as "DREAM". 

There's much I want to do and I need to do at this moment of time, but in many circumstances and challenges, it does not really allows me to "WANT" and "DO" where I've no ability. It's kinda suffering, heart broken, discouraging and disappointing when you knows well and knows much of a thing/incident or person, but yet you can't do it!!! And at last, it's really sad! =( 

Although the above thoughts always comes to me in different timing and ways but yet it does not defeat me to really make my efforts to go on because I've a BIG GOD, a GOD that gives full understanding and everlasting love unto me. He understood me in a way and also giving me hope, faith and love to overcome the days of my life. Sometimes, life is seems to be very tired or even to the extend of exhaust and fatigue, yet I'll still energetic, strong, powerful and determine because His presence always there for me, strengthen me, encourage me, fills me with joy and peace, affirm me, comfort me. This is what makes me always carry on , no matter what has discourage and disappoint me along the way. I just grab hold unto His promise and believe in faith He will provide and make all things possible as well good when the time has come. 

Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

Written by PrinzeCalvin, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

~ 祝福满满的我! - 谢谢~

我已到达了! ! !
感觉很辛苦, 很累, 很不想面对!

我真的可以说是"最被祝福" 的那一个了!

许多帮助,教导, 领导,安慰和陪伴着我人生的人!
不懂如何的去报答, 只能够说一句"谢谢"!
永远不会忘记你们对我的好, 全都在理了! =)

信, 望, 爱 . . . 就在这了!
CALVIN, 加油! 加油!加油!

Calvin, 2011