Last two weeks, we had our Christmas Caroling at different houses of our friends in Westlake and Harvard area. Each and everyone of us were very excited to wait till the day of Christmas Caroling, all of us were very very excited and joyful where we seems very keen in singing the Christmas songs to all people.... well it's been a very new experience for me to sing Christmas songs from houses to houses or street to street..... and that day, it was very enjoyable!
Along the way in singing Caroling, we had also share the life testimony of us and the meaning of Merry Christmas to all of the friends. The life testimony sharing regarding how God transform their life from previous into now...... the miracles that God perform in their life were amazing.... and indeed very true! Most of us being touch by the testimony and the work that God has done in them... Praise the Lord! Briefly, Christmas represents the day where Jesus Christ was born. Christ means Jesus Christ.... and Mas means celebration, so it is Christ + mas= Christmas! And then, Jesus Christ was given the name "Immanuel" which means "PEACE".....
After our christmas caroling at our friends' houses, finally.... we went to the lake to sang Christmas songs along the way we walked from one group of people to another..... It was unexpected and fun! At the end, we end up with a prayer and a photo taking session ..... here all of us ..... starts to be crazy and overexcited! I'm being the lead for the act of debaichilization .... once we came to post our photo pose! I indeed learn it from a stupid and funny..... video that posted by people in facebook.... the name called "Gag Jie"...
Let's join us in next year Christmas Caroling.... maybe, I'll be the one who will going to form another "Debachilization" Club....wait for miracles happen =)
Our Big Joyful Family..... We carry Hope, Faith and Love in our hearts ! =)
Christmas Carolling at Friends Houses.... by all Brothers and Sisters of Hope =)
It's Calvin, Mok Mok, Sushi, Yvonne,Hui Wen & Jessica
We wish you "MERRY CHRISTMAS" ...
We wish you "MERRY CHRISTMAS" ...
At Shalom..... taking funny faces of Christmas photos =)